February 2025, ROPE became The ROPE Report - after our weekly Wednesday and Friday morning (9am) podcast begun in 2022. Instead of following only education - as we have since 2008 - we will research and write about any issue that poses a threat to our individual liberties as Oklahomans. We will no longer post to this blogspot, but will keep it active as a reference library for anyone interested. Please find The Rope Report on Facebook, X, LinkdIn, Telegram, Instagram, TikTok and at rope2.org.
An Atheist And George Soros Try to Manipulate Voters In Oklahoma County DA Race
Recently, voters have been inundated by a barrage of TV ads from a Dark Money group called “Oklahoma Progress Now”, an organization run by a man named Nick Singer.
Democrat Education Policies DAMAGE Kids – VOTE NO FOR DEMOCRAT JENA NELSON for State Superintenden
ROPE/Chaffin Lawsuit Against Stillwater Public Schools - Request For Summary Judgement Heard Today
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L. Nancy Blalock, ROPE Treasurer - Maria Seidler, Attorney - Jenni White, ROPE Education Director |
This beautiful October morning, Attorney Maria Seidler argued for Summary Judgement in the case of Brice Chaffin and ROPE v Stillwater Public Schools.
Five Things Joy Hofmeister Did Which Were Illegal And/Or Unethical According To The Affidavit Of Probable Cause In The Joy Hofmeister Dark Money Independent Expenditure Case Filed In 2016
For this piece, I'll use numerous excerpts from the 2016 Affidavit of Probable Cause presented to Oklahoma County DA David Prater's office following the arrest of Chad Alexander whose two cell phones were searched via warrant and incriminating text message evidence collected.
Sex Education – An Asset, Or A Liability, To Oklahoma Students?
PARENTS - Be Informed About Any Sex Ed Curricula Your Child May Be Getting At School! State Laws Included For Reference.
Frequently, we receive questions from parents as to whether or not their children may be opted out of Sex Ed courses - the answer is YES.
The Corruption Belt - Diagramming Oklahoma's Dark Money Web - Political Consultants and PAC Treasurers
After many weeks of study, I was able to put together an initial diagram of Dark Money and how it flows among and between various 501c4 and PAC organizations influencing Oklahoma elections.
The Corruption Belt: MISLEADING Mailers Against SD28 Candidate Jeff McCommas From Advance Oklahoma PAC - Another PAC With Ties To Fount Holland (CAMP)
We're Not So Jolly About Common Core Clark - Vote NO For Clark Jolley For State Treasurer
The Corruption Belt: SPECIAL ELECTION STEAL ALERT: UNKNOWN Group Runs Ads Against Candidates Opposing Fount Holland (CAMP) Clients In The August 23rd Run-Off
The Corruption Belt - Part 1: Is Catalyst Oklahoma, Inc., An Alliance Among OCPA, The Oklahoma State Chamber and Fount Holland (CAMP) To Elect CAMP Clients In The 2022 Election Cycle?
For months I've been researching Dark Money in Oklahoma, tying together a wide-reaching web of PACs and Non-Profits and Oklahoma Movers and Shakers and other SWAMP creatures. This is Part 1 of what I hope will be a pretty thorough expose on who pulls the strings to get voters to pull levers in Oklahoma elections.
Judge Denies Stillwater Public School's Dismissal Request - ROPE/Chaffin Lawsuit Scheduled for Pre-Trial Hearing in November
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Stillwater Parent Brice Chaffin, ROPE President Jenni White, Attorney Maria Seidler |
In an awesome victory for ROPE's case with Stillwater parent Brice Chaffin against Stillwater Public Schools (SPS) and Stillwater School Board members filed May 4th (2022), Maria Seidler successfully argued against the dismissal of our lawsuit requested of the court by SPS. ROPE and Chaffin, led by attorney Seidler, will meet SPS again in court in November for a pre-trial hearing.
Part 2: Senator Jake Merrick's Loss Engineered At The Hands of Oklahoma's School Choice (Voucher) Cabal Who Helped Spend $344,471.40 To Elect His Opponent
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Screenshot taken from a Common Sense Conservatives, LLC dark money ad. |
While every political campaign has numerous points for failure from fundraising to voter contact, a post mortem of Jake Merrick's re-election campaign shows that a combination of dark money and redistricting probably did more than anything to sink the re-election campaign of a fine man and public servant.
Dr. April Grace Should NOT Be Elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction for These Reasons
Unfortunately, Ron Arthur was a coach in the Shawnee Public School system for years while charges of sexually inappropriate behavior with students were alleged but never researched. In addition, though April Grace will claim to be a Republican, those in the education cartel - dubbed #oklaed on social media - back Grace.
The Corruption Belt: Out Of State Dark Money Ads Against SAI Cindy Byrd Tout Unlicensed Candidate With Two Bankruptcies
Part 1: Jake Merrick Supported, Then Worked Against By Oklahoma Council For Public Affairs (OCPA) Dark Money Groups
Jake Merrick won a special election for now-Congresswoman Stephanie Bice's open Senate seat last year. Jake is a Conservative, pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, small business owner who has served Oklahoma well since his special election. Oklahoma Council for Public Affairs (OCPA) dark money helped him in his first election. Here's the rub: After voting YES in committee, he voted NO (on the Senate floor) on a bill to send public money to private schools (voucher - SB1647). This election cycle, OCPA is using many thousands of dollars to influence voters AGAINST HIM through a different dark money group.
ROPE Endorses Dr. John Cox for State Superintendent
Every election since 2010, ROPE has announced support for a State Superintendent candidate. We believe this position to be of paramount importance in the direction of education in our state. This year is no different.
Four Republican candidates are vying for the State Superintendent’s chair: Bill Crozier, April Grace, Dr. John Cox and Secretary of Education Ryan Walters. ROPE held a candidate forum at Randall University on May 9th. Mr. Crozier was unable to attend and April Grace backed out of her original commitment to appear.
Whatever You Believe About War Or The Military, At Least Pause Today to Thank A Soldier Who Never Returned Home To Be With Their Family As You Celebrate With Yours
One Sunday many years ago while attending church, we had a number of opportunities to appreciate our fallen soldiers. During a particularly poignant video played for the congregation depicting service men and women and their efforts over recent history, I looked over to find my 12-year-old son sobbing.
So You Think School Choice Will Solve Education Issues In Oklahoma? James Lindsay Wants You To Think Again...
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www.alec.org/issue/education |
"School choice is going to be very popular – it’s gonna poll very well – it has an enormous…everybody’s 'spidey' sense should be tingling because of how much money’s behind the school choice lobby. Like who writes your checks? Why on earth is so much money being dumped into this school choice lobby?" James Lindsay via Unwokeable.
The Frontier Newspaper Blasts Oklahoma's Every Kid Counts For Not Disclosing Its Donors, But There's More
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https://www.readfrontier.org/stories/billionaire-philanthropists-pushing-charter-schools-and-school-vouchers-also-fund-oklahomas-secretary-of-educations-six-figure-salary/ |
Though The Frontier blasts Every Kid Counts Oklahoma (EKCO) for not disclosing their donors, the real story here appears to be that an Oklahoma non-profit embroiled in controversy on several levels has no publicly-filed 990 since 2019. Though there are Republicans who might dismiss information ferreted out by The Frontier as 'biased' or 'ax-grinding', the research I've been doing independently for some time, supports most reports made by The Frontier.
Far Left American Library Association Urges EVERYONE To Report "Threats To The Freedom To Read" While Defending 10 Most Challenged Books
Today I opened the American Libraries Association (ALA) "State Of American Libraries Report" to find that not only is the ALA rabidly defending sexually explicit texts, ALA President Patty Wong reminds readers that, "ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom encourages everyone to report any and all challenges to materials, online resources (including databases), programs, speakers, displays, reading lists, and author visits. No matter is too insignificant."
Sports VS Education - Do We Really Care About Education As Much As We Do Sports?
Not long ago, I off-handedly created a meme that went viral. It basically said that if Oklahomans worried more about the education of our children than who was going to be OU's next head coach, we'd start taking our country back.
Parents Have To Parent - It's A Tough Job To Be Sure - But No One Can Do It But You
Is SB1647 (Education Voucher) Now Only For Homeschooling Families? An Analysis.
Often, it takes hours to really read a bill because it's important to look up associated laws and terms that may not be obvious to the reader. Then it requires reading passages over and over and comparing them to other passages to make sure of context. Truly, to do it right, each bill requires a substantial time investment to read properly. And to think - legislators must read hundreds of bills during just one half of session alone...
Governor Stitt's State of The State - Public Education - Where We Can And Can't Agree
I would like to say this as an opener to this piece: This is not a rebuke of Governor Stitt - there are many things our Governor has done of which we all approve - but there is a sincere lack of agreement in the area of 'School Choice' that needs to be addressed. I am not criticizing to criticize, but to make points I think EVERYONE - especially Republicans - should think about before blind acceptance of the concept of state-sponsored 'school choice' through yet another voucher system.
Oklahoma Conservative PAC Arguments For "Money Follows The Kid" (Voucher) 'School Choice' Option Are Wrong-Headed and NOT CONSERVATIVE
Being a conservative is often a lonely position. Asking people to take responsibility for THEMSELVES to prevent government intervention is not an easy sell in a world where all the creature comforts of human existence are but a moment away. After being attacked personally by OCPAC for an opinion Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment corporately holds, a rebuttal is in order. It follows below.
Oklahoma Government Schools Give 6- 12 Grade Students Surveys To 'RAT OUT' Friends, Neighbors and Parents For Grant Funds - HELP US PASS SB1448 TO HELP STOP THIS NONSENSE
The Problems With "School Choice"
Every legislative session in Oklahoma, the topic of "School Choice" rears its head. People become "School Choice" advocates because they believe the concept will put parents back in the driver's seat for their children's education. But what does the term "School Choice" actually mean?
Six Reasons Why The Oklahoma State Legislature Should Ban The Use of SEL - Social Emotional Learning - Through SB1442
Last year, the state Legislature - prompted by outcry from parent and taxpayers across the state and the nation - passed HB1775, a rejection of the teaching of tenets tied to Critical Race Theory.
Unfortunately, CRT tenets are still entering classrooms around the state, packaged under the heading of Social Emotional Learning. We are seeking to remove SEL through SB1442 authored by Senator Shane Jett.