
Cultural Competency, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Is Racist Training

What would you think if an administrator said the following to you:

"We have to have 'Cultural Competency' training. Here's an example of why...LatinX students are helpers - that's who they are. They help each other with everything. That's just their culture. There have been teachers who've come to me and felt that they were cheating and I've had to explain to them that, "no, they're not cheating, that's just the Latin X culture."

GUEST POST: Dear Dr. Grunewald, Conscious Discipline = SEL and SEL = CRT, So Don't Tell Us EPS Is NOT Teaching CRT.

"Conscious Discipline believes that trauma-responsive social and emotional learning (SEL) is a lens through which transformational change in the areas of racial equality, equity and inclusion is not only possible, but essential."

Why Would We NOT Want Schools To Teach 'Grit', 'Tenacity' and 'Perseverance'?

True Grit is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time (both versions!). I LOVED the plucky spunk - grit - of Mattie Ross who stood against unbelievable odds and won the respect of a drunk old cowboy named "Rooster" - to find the killer of her father.