
True School Choice Is Eliminating Property Taxes - Sherrie Conley

In this ROPE Report Short, our guest for Wednesday, June 26th, Oklahoma Representative Sherrie Conley and Jenni White talk about what really makes "school choice". Is it the government giving people taxpayer dollars to privately school their kids (vouchers), or is it the government allowing taxpayers to have our property without property taxes (Ad Valorem) so that taxpayers could help pay to educate their own children? This led to a bit more discussion on taxation...

The video in its entirety (recorded live on the 26th) can be found on our Rumble and YouTube channels.


Schools End-Around Mandatory Reporting Laws - V1SUT Vantage, Ashley Rolen

Ashley Rolen has spent years fighting to have the coaches who broke her trust and sexually abused her while she was a student at Little Axe High School decades ago removed from public education. She has yet to be successful. 

In this video V1SUT Vantage blogger, Mary, Ashley, Michael Grande and Jenni White discuss how schools are getting around mandatory sex abuse reporting laws, allowing public school employees who have abused students to just disappear from the school and wind up at another without ever being made to pay for their crimes. If we are to save Oklahoma children from sexual predators, this has to change.

Find the full video on our YouTube and Rumble channels.

Change MUST Happen To Protect Public School Students - Ashley Rolen; ROPE Report Live

Ashley Rolen submitted statements to the Little Axe school district in 2002 describing the sexual abuse that had been perpetrated on her by several coaches employed by the district. 

Nothing was done. Ashley moved on with her life. 

But as Ashley tells us in the full podcast (YouTube and Rumble), the day she heard about Olympic physician, Larry Nassar, and the stories of the brave gymnasts who came forward and told of their sexual abuse while under his care, she knew she had to make it right - for the other girls to whom this had happened and ones to whom it might be happening now. 

Ashley filed a complaint with the Oklahoma State Department of Education under Joy Hoffmeister. She was told that they had no investigators for her case and that she'd have to do her own investigation - which she did - and returned it to the OSDE under Ryan Walters. Still, nothing has been done. 

In this video, Ashley talks about what needs to happen for these reports to be taken seriously by school administration and the OSDE.

Find more on Ashley's story at V1SUT Vantage in her series on Harmful Coaching.


Observations Of Poor Voter Rolls In Oklahoma County - ROPE Report Short

Michael and I talk about our specific experiences with the voter rolls in Oklahoma County. Michael from a candidate’s perspective during his run for Edmond School Board, and me from the time the Town of Luther (where I was Mayor for a term) decided to send out letters to ALL prospective voters, alerting them to the date of an upcoming vote to increase the sales tax. Unfortunately, both Michael and I had the same experience with the voter lists we received. Michael got a list of the voters in his district to knock doors and send literature, and I got a list of voters in my district to send letters to, from the Oklahoma County Election Board (OCEB). Michael had loads of voters on his ‘walk’ list that door knockers found to be not living at the addresses identified by the OCEB and Jenni had a stack of about a quarter of the total letters she sent returned because of wrong addresses.

It makes sense that a candidate with nefarious purpose, might be able to ‘test’ a list by sending out mailers to everyone on the list given him/her by their county election board. They could then check addresses returned to make sure people don’t live at the listed address, wait until election time, apply for an absentee ballot with that person’s information and vote like the person is still on the rolls at that address. In this way, people could illegally vote absentee – and how would they be caught doing so?

From my time on the Oklahoma County Election Board (OCEB), I can tell you that there would be no way for ballot counters to have any idea if the person voting absentee lived at the address listed on the envelope – absentee ballots are notarized to signify that the voter is who he/she says they are – but it doesn’t take a genius to understand that anyone can apply to be a notary.

At the OCEB in 2023 when I was a Board member, the way absentee ballots were processed, we never even knew if there were notaries notarizing more than the lawful maximum of 20. The ballots were never laid out in piles per notary, they were simply checked to make sure all lawful information was present on the envelope and removed to another room for removal of the envelope.

Many of the elections in Edmond (Ronda Peterson, Michael Grande, Margaret Best – to name a few) that I’ve followed have had Republican candidates win at the ballot box, but then lose the race by a few absentee ballots. It certainly seems plausible and one reason Oklahoma needs to clean up our voter rolls.

Because I didn’t make a video clip of Chris’ perspective, I asked him to send me some of his suggestions for making sure Oklahoma’s voter rolls are as clean as possible. 
Here’s what he sent:
Some of the things I would change are things we didn’t get into.  I’d get rid of partisan registration (and so also straight party voting) and in fact I’d favor doing away with partisan primaries altogether.  But that’s probably a different show that could also talk about open primaries, Top-Two jungle primaries, ranked-choice voting, election calendar reform, and that kind of stuff.

To be specific to the voter roll, I think it’d be really easy to add a question of “has your address changed?’ when voters sign the book at the polling place on Election Day and get that new address.  I’d also like to see an interstate voter roll integrity organization, but I’d like it to be limited to providing information for states to use as they see fit rather than dictating either to include or exclude voters.  But a major point that Wendi and I alluded to but didn’t really state straight out is that the voter rolls are always going to be heavily dependent upon the actions of individual voters.  All the laws in the world only work as well as people choosing to comply and if things are made too cumbersome it fuels the argument for a more wide-open system which is something I’m sure many people don’t want.

Wendi also sent me a follow-up with her ideas:
  1. SHOW PHOTO ID when reregistering.
  2. Reregister over 2 years and then archive the old rolls.
  3. Issue the State Election Board funds to advertise the reregistration, including mailers, commercials on local tv and radio networks. 
  4. Allow provisional ballots at the polls for the first presidential election after the reregistration deadline for those who still wish to vote but missed the above advertising.
  5. Have special nursing home teams to get out and reregister the elderly and infirmed.
And here are Amber’s:

Election laws should be changed so that registered voters & candidates – through canvassing – can report voters not living at the address for which they are registered. 
The State Election Board should then go through the appropriate steps to verify the findings and remove the voter from the rolls once verified.
The voter rolls need to be cleaned more often, and the State Election Board needs to look at the rolls and go through the proper process to get correct lawfully physical addresses for voters on the rolls and remove any addresses violating O.S.26

After reading the blog and watching the videos, take some time to have a discussion with your duly elected Representative and Senator about this issue – even forward them this article. As Wendi pointed out so well in her closing, clean voter rolls containing only lawful entries are of upmost importance to – not only the security of Oklahoma elections – but the electoral process itself.

Find the full video on our Rumble and YouTube channels.


ROPE Report Live OK Voter Roll Re-Register Debate – Who Won?

Sorry to disappoint – that was a click-bait title (LOL) – but no one ‘won’ the debate. 

In fact, it was one of the best discussions we’ve had on the ROPE Report. Chairman of the Libertarian Party and Bethany City Council Board Member, Chris Powell, joined our friends Amber Evans and Wendi Montgomery Dial (OK State Director of Restore Liberty) to talk about whether or not voter rolls in Oklahoma need to be archived and all voters re-registered. 

We gave each of the three 5 minutes in a round robin to talk about why – or why not – the voter rolls should be re-registered. You can find the entire live broadcast on our YouTube and Rumble channels, but here is a wrap-up of the pro-position by Wendi. 

In the video, Wendi references a candidate challenge – of which Chris was a part, because the candidate was a Libertarian – adjudicated by the Oklahoma State Election Board during candidate filing earlier this year. Amber, Wendi, Michael and I talked specifically about this issue in our ROPE Report LIVE from April 26th of this year, starting at about 31 minutes in. 

It’s well worth the watch if you’re so inclined – very interesting information.


Is Your Private School Now A 'Non-Public' School? Sarah DeNeui - ROPE Report Short

Wednesday, June 5th, Broken Arrow resident and homeschooling mom, Sarah DeNeui, spoke with Michael and Jenni about the new "Office Of School Choice" that's been advertised in a press release by State Superintendent Ryan Walters. This is a sticky wicket. 

Mr. Walters worked for a privately-funded organization that championed school choice options. Why increase the size of government by taking over the job of a non-profit? Why can't that non-profit continue to do that job? 

That's one question. The next question came after Mrs. DeNeui spoke with her contact in Walter's office regarding the concerns she had about this office. The response she received, mentioned a new word - "non-public" education. 

Really, there are only two forms of education - private (paid for privately by parents) and public (any school that receives an appropriation from the state for education) - so where does "non-public" come in. We ask - and answer - that question in this video clip from the live video which can be found under the heading of "live" videos on our YouTube channel or on our Rumble channel.

You'll want to watch this video whether or not you have your child/children in private schools - especially if you're concerned about government overreach and federal intervention in local education.


If You Can't Answer These Questions, You Can't Support Vouchers; Sarah DeNeui - ROPE Report Short

Wednesday, June 5th, Sarah DeNeui - a homeschooling mom and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, resident - came on the podcast to talk about the bill that ushered in Oklahoma's "Universal School Choice", HB1934, 2023.

She began to research the bill because it included a provision for homeschoolers to collect $1000.00 in tax credits if they provided all the information required and were eligible. She wanted to know if homeschooling could somehow be damaged by the program so she did a deep dive.

What she found concerned her, so she started asking herself questions about the entire program - especially the part where the state gives public money to private schools. Those who believe vouchers are a good thing should take the time to answer each question Sarah has thoughtfully asked.

If you can still support vouchers after this video, there simply isn't a way to be a self-identified "conservative", or "small government" or even "Republican". There really isn’t…


Parents Hire Attorneys While OK Public Schools Fight Them With Taxpayer Dollars - ROPE Report Short

When taxpayer and citizen of Stillwater, Oklahoma, Brice Chaffin, attended a Stillwater Public Schools School Board meeting to express his concern over an SPS 'policy' of allowing boys into girl's restrooms during a public comment portion of the meeting where he had 3 minutes to speak, he was removed from the meeting after reading scripture.

Maria Seidler, an attorney with her own group, Legal Overwatch for Parent's School Rights, filed a lawsuit against SPS Board Members based on the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act, with ROPE on behalf of Brice. The lawsuit was lost at all levels - including the OK Supreme Court. All the lawsuit asked for was for SPS Board Members to make a public apology to Brice for reacting to his comments by directing a police officer to remove him from the podium after he had used scripture in his comments.

Instead of an apology, SPS used 45 THOUSAND taxpayer dollars to fight the lawsuit in court and in appeals. Additionally, SPS's attorneys filed a countersuit against ROPE and Chaffin for attorney's fees. Though the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act did not prevail in favor of Chaffin's religious commentary, it did prevail in preventing the court from directing ROPE and Chaffin from awarding SPS's attorneys with 45 THOUSAND dollars.

How is it that parents have to hire an attorney with money out of their own budgets to force public schools to treat parents with respect for their religious views or their rights, yet public schools will use taxpayer dollars to fight the religious views and rights of parents with money that was taken from them to fund the school?

When a public entity holds all the cards, it can only be called, TYRANNY.

Find the full video on our YouTube or Rumble channels.

Parents Can't Fight Issues Schools Say Aren't Happening - ROPE Report Short; Maria Seidler and Brice Chaffin

When citizens of Stillwater, Oklahoma, concerned that boys were being allowed in girl's bathrooms went to the school district to discuss the issue, the school lied and said there was nothing like that happening in the district. Only after administrators of Stillwater Public Schools were confronted with a witness, did they acknowledge the practice. They then said it was a policy, but when citizens asked for the policy, SPS officials couldn't produce the policy. At that point, they told citizens that SPS didn't have a policy, President Obama had put the policy in place.

How can concerned citizens/taxpayers/parents deal with an issue in their schools if the school will just lie and say it's not happening and/or say it's a policy when it's not - or even make up a policy to put in place after the policy has been questioned. Why should we allow schools to teach our impressionable children when they don't have a set of morals or ethics that directs them not to lie?

See the full video on our Rumble and our YouTube Channels.


Land Grab Disguised As A Turnpike To Make The Rich Richer - PikeOffOTA; ROPE Report Short

This will be the most important video you've seen if you really want to know the way citizens are being tyrannized by Oklahoma's governmental bureaucracy. This video connects all the dots. Suffice it to say, 'the people' simply don't matter in the face of business interests that want to enrich themselves.

Friday, May 24th, ROPE Report hosted Whitney Mullica and Kelly Wilson of PikeOffOTA (Citizens For Responsible Transportation) to talk about how the Oklahoma Transportation Authority - the pseudogovernmental agency peopled with unelected bureaucrats unaccountable to the public - work with members of the business development community to develop tolled roads that, not only must the citizens of Oklahoma pay to use, but that removes their property from them using the force of the state to create.

Here, Kelly provides THE CIRCLE OF GOVERNMENT INTERESTS - the ways in which the rich just keep getting richer off the backs of
those whose property is seized by eminent domain to create roads they'll be forced to pay to use.

Please watch and share this clip and the full video located on our YouTube and Rumble channels.

Who Is Buying OTA Surplus Land? - PikeOffOTA; ROPE Report Short

Friday, May 24th, ROPE Report hosted Whitney Mullica and Kelly Wilson of PikeOffOTA (Citizens For Responsible Transportation) to talk about how the Oklahoma Transportation Authority - the pseudogovernmental agency peopled with unelected bureaucrats unaccountable to the public - work with members of the business development community to develop tolled roads that, not only must the citizens of Oklahoma pay to use, but that removes their property from them using the force of the state to create.

Here, Kelly shows that, while eminent domain is used to remove property owners from their property, the 'surplus' land 'left over' after the turnpike has been created, is then sold to the public. Many times, the purchasers of the land are people who benefitted in some way through the OTA turnpike process in the first place.

While this is not illegal, personally benefitting from the process of removing the property of a citizen using the force of the state is ethically and morally wrong. If people can't police themselves along moral and ethical lines, why is the state not protecting citizens by preventing this kind of behavior? Could it be that 'the state' would rather have the money afforded it by the rich and powerful - especially when it comes time to be re-elected?

Please watch and share this clip and the full video located on our YouTube and Rumble channels.

10-15% Of OTA Eminent Doman Cases Go To Court - PikeOffOTA; ROPE Report Short

Friday, May 24th, ROPE Report hosted Whitney Mullica and Kelly Wilson of PikeOffOTA (Citizens For Responsible Transportation) to talk about how the Oklahoma Transportation Authority - the pseudogovernmental agency peopled with unelected bureaucrats unaccountable to the public - work with members of the business development community to develop tolled roads that, not only must the citizens of Oklahoma pay to use, but that removes their property from them using the force of the state to create. 

Though many people do eventually cut a deal with the OTA for the 'sale' of their house and property to the Authority, many people refuse. It does not matter, however, because the state kicks them off the property anyway only to wait - in some cases - over A YEAR to have the issue settled by the court. This is OUTRAGEOUS and citizens of Oklahoma simply shouldn't tolerate this kind of nonsense.

Please watch and share this clip and the full video located on our YouTube and Rumble channels.


Taxes And Insurance Will Break The Middle Class - Julianne Romanello

Living in the world today is becoming a rapidly unsustainable situation. Of course, before any of the truly New World Order/s can be implemented, the middle class has to be destroyed. The easiest way to do that is by mandating things that have to be paid for through household budgets and then blocking free market access to those things through legislation, rules and administrative actions. Once the cost goes up beyond the family's ability to pay - it's game over.

See the whole video on our Rumble and YouTube channels.

The Government Is Slowly Usurping Your Liberty - Julianne Romanello

A MUST SEE! Here, Julianne, Michael and Jenni talk about how just the act of buying insurance for your home or car will become nearly impossible from the private sector, all the while, the government is mandating insurance needs and then - helpfully - providing that for us...Really think about what we're saying as you watch...AND SHARE!

See the full video on our Rumble and YouTube channels!


Less Than 1% Of Their Districts Donate To Reps Wallace, Pfeiffer, Roe, McBride and Senators Garvin and McCortney – WHAT?

On our podcast Friday, May 17th, Michael Grande and I took election data that had been provided by former HD31 candidate Karmin Grider, and went through it on air – live. It wasn’t pretty, I can assure you, but you can see the full video for yourself on our Rumble and YouTube channels. If you’ve ever wanted to see how to look up candidates on the Oklahoma Ethics website, you can forward to 1:11:20 on the live video where I walk you through the process.

We began our video with state Senator Jessica Garvin. She was elected to SD43 in 2020. This year, Senator Garvin is being challenged by McClain County Assessor, Kendal Sacchieri. We interviewed her about school financing April 3rd of this year and it was a fascinating interview – if not frustrating as a taxpayer.

Senator Garvin has some very low contribution stats when it comes to donations from her district. So where DOES her money come from if it isn’t coming from people who would elect her in her district? Here is the YouTube link to this short.

We talked briefly about Senator Greg McCortney as well, though we’ve talked about him with Karmin before in February of 2024. McCortney is being challenged this year by fellow Republican Jonathan Wingard.

The Senator was voted Pro Temp by the Senate Caucus in February after a 501C4-funded campaign.

This video is a bit over 2 minutes, but it’s very well worth the watch to see who funds Greg McCortney’s Senate campaigns – very instructive.

Now let’s jump to the Oklahoma House.

We’ll start with Oklahoma Representative Kevin Wallace. Representative Wallace has been in his HD32 chair in the legislature since 2014. He is the head of the Appropriations and Budget Committee in the House – a very important assignment. So important in fact, that over the course of his 10 years in the House, he’s run almost ONE MILLION dollars through his campaigns.

This year he is being challenged by Lincoln County resident Jim Shawwhom we interviewed on our podcast when we spoke to Jeff and Robbie McCommas about the engineered buy up of private land for wind turbines.

Here’s more:

From there, let’s talk about Representative Mark McBride. He was elected to the Oklahoma Legislature HD53 in 2012. In Oklahoma, Representatives are only allowed to serve 12 years (thank goodness!), so Representative McBride will not return to session in 2025. Four candidates are running for that seat – all Republicans: KATHREN STEHNO (who ran against McBride last term), JASON BLAIRNICK POKORNY and HEATHER BOSS. HD53 will need to do their DUE DILIGENCE on each candidate.

It might be interesting to know who funded Mark McBride’s campaigns over the course of a dozen years in the legislature because it surely wasn’t people in his district.

Our next House member is John Talley from HD33, who was elected in 2018. Talley has been challenged by fellow Republican Brice Chaffin twice and this year, former ROPE Board member Molly Jenkins is running to take his seat.

Only 1.2% of Talley’s campaign financing comes from INSIDE his own district. Maybe that’s why Jenkin’s campaign motto is NO LOBBYIST MONEY? Find the ROPE Report Short here on YouTube.

Next, we’ll talk about Cynthia Roe from HD42, elected in 2018. Hers is one of the lowest funded campaigns from inside her district. Roe couldn’t even garner a tenth of one percent of her campaign finances from her own district. Why? Maybe the answer explains why she has two challengers this year – Matt Huggins and Tony Bowen.

Find the YouTube link here.

The last House District member we profiled in our Friday’s ROPE Report Live podcast, was Representative John Pfeiffer from HD38, elected in 2014. Representative Pfeiffer had absolutely the worst rating of all the legislators we reviewed for Friday’s podcast for in-district donations. In fact, according to data assimilated by Karmin Grider from Oklahoma Ethics Commission data,


Who in the world could John Pfeiffer serve if for over 10 years, only 9 people financially supported his campaigns?

Interestingly, part of Pfeiffer’s district happens to be Blackwell, a town which our V1SUT Vantage Substack author and podcast regular has hammered numerous times in numerous different articles from allowing drag queens to perform in a public park and associated issues with their city council and city attorney, to GIVING Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower to a group of what look to be BitCoin scammers.

This year, Pfeiffer does have a CHALLENGER in Marven Goodman. If you are in the district, look him up. It would certainly appear that HD38 could use a Representative of the PEOPLE and not the corporate.

If you’d like to share the direct YouTube link, click here.

In closing, I’d like to point out – for those who think it’s really no big deal that these elected officials are bought and paid for by corporatists – how the election cycle actually works and how the educated voter gets screwed.

Here’s how it very often works: Campaign consultants (or legislators themselves), find people in districts who they believe can win an election because they have some kind of name recognition – usually they own a business. The candidate then raises money through his/her candidate campaign and their consultant may tap into a direct network of PAC’s funded in great part by 501C4’s (dark money) to buy items like mailers – sometimes two a week at approximately $6 thousand a pop – push polling through text messagesFacebook/social media ads and, if possible, radio and TV.

Because they know that most people have no idea where to get information on voters (even though the thing in their hand they use to watch incessant cat videos on social media uses Google and could pull up a candidate’s website with a basic search) and because they know that most people believe something they read due to personal confirmation biases, they know that putting together slick mailers and ads that stick to specific talking points and misuse, or misinform readers about candidates, will win votes.

So yes, people in their district may elect candidates, but the process is highly suspect and works only because people remain (willfully?) ignorant of how to vet candidates.

So what is the answer to getting representation in the state capitol that care about their district and not their corporate sponsors?

SHARE THE INFORMATION YOU GATHER ABOUT CANDIDATES WITH OTHERS; neighbors and friends are more willing to believe you than an ad. SET THEM STRAIGHT. Post to social media, call, stop by – whatever works. This is really the only way. We’re never going to beat these people with money – they’ll always have more than us. The only way to beat the game is by waking up others and getting information directly to them that they can use to vote – and in turn influence others on their own.


ACT Scores Recentered To Make Results Look Better - ROPE Report Live

Many years ago while writing about Common Core, I (Jenni White) found an indicator of student achievement that made me blanch. This graphic was taken from an old paper on ACT scores over the years. This graphic - including the original discussion on how Oklahoma has manipulated Student Achievement data to make it seem as though public schools were doing better than they are, especially when compared to testing scores - is a truly damning measure of how DUMB Americans educated in public schools have become and how our legislators and Education industrial complex has been stealing our tax dollars to dumb our students down. After all, people who can't think for themselves are easily led.

Here are some of the articles I've written over the years about this very same issue:

OSDE Test Scores VS Achievement Scores - ROPE Report Short

With our V1SUT blogger, Michael and Jenni went over the Oklahoma State Department of Education proficiency and achievement data through the school Report Card. Though we've had Reed Downey on the program previously to tell us how badly Oklahoma students are performing on Achievement data, it's even worse when we compare Achievement data with Assessment (testing) scores. Suffice it to say that the Oklahoma legislature should not give public schools in Oklahoma one more thin dime until they can actually show that they are EDUCATING Oklahoma students. This is truly tragic.


The Failure Of Schools To Protect Their Students Costs Taxpayers Money - ROPE Report Short; Rep. Sherrie Conley

Oklahoma Representative Sherrie Conley was on with Michael and Jenni this morning (5.10.245). She talked about the ramifications of her bill to stop school officials from texting privately with a child without permission from a parent and where she wants to go with this legislation once she's out of the legislature and a private citizen next year.

In this clip, Rep. Conley makes it clear that, because Oklahoma has mandatory reporting laws for child endangerment, the Superintendents and Principals who know/knew that children are/were being sexually abused by school employees, should be brought up on criminal charges once investigations have been completed and school employees formally charged with child predation.

See the full video on our Rumble and YouTube accounts.


People Who Allow Child Predation Should Be Held Criminally Liable - ROPE Report Short With OK Rep. Sherrie Conley

Oklahoma Representative Sherrie Conley was on with Michael and Jenni this morning (5.10.245). She talked about the ramifications of her bill to stop school officials from texting privately with a child without permission from a parent and where she wants to go with this legislation once she's out of the legislature and a private citizen next year. 

In this clip, Rep. Conley makes it clear that, because Oklahoma has mandatory reporting laws for child endangerment, the Superintendents and Principals who know/knew that children are/were being sexually abused by school employees, should be brought up on criminal charges once investigations have been completed and school employees formally charged with child predation.


How To Keep Your Local Government Honest - By Attending Their Meetings!

On Wednesday, May 8th, NeAnne Clinton, a resident of Enid fighting a 10k acre solar farm installation, talked about how - with a lack of transparency by both the solar company and Garfield County government - the Garfield County Conservation Coalition has been able to stay abreast of all transpiring details of the project. 

Watch this short clip to see how NeAnne - and her friends - find out what their local governmental officials are doing. 

Unfortunately, there are no Freedom of Information seminars scheduled by the Oklahoma AG's office or the Oklahoma Press Association for 2024. 

After calling the OPA it was discovered that instructional seminars only occur every other year as the Freedom of Information booklet is re-published with updated laws ad citations in those years. 

Please go to the Oklahoma Press Association Website where you can order an Open Meeting, Open Records booklet to help you understand Oklahoma's FOI laws. You can find that here: https://okpress.com/page/seminars 

Follow NeAnne's lead. The nation may be in tatters, so let's fight to protect the ground under our feet and we can only do that by attending the meetings of our local governmental entities!

Lack of Transparency, Danger, Fuels Concerns About Enid Solar Installation - ROPE Report Short

NeAnne Clinton, a resident of Enid, Oklahoma, came on the program today to talk about NextEra's decision to attempt to create a 10 thousand acre solar installation on the south side of Enid between the municipal airport and Vance Airforce Base.

What we learned was shocking. 

From lack of transparency (at least one contract being signed without benefit of an open meeting) and fudging of reported 'profits' (essentially, NextEra saying that the installation would bring in 63 million dollars in value to the City of Enid, but then not saying that the return would come solely from an increase in property taxes) to unaddressed safety concerns, Enid citizens are rightly angry and want the project scrapped. 

As we talk about in the video, 'green' energy is usurping private property, generating more landfill because it can't be recycled, using toxic and flammable constituents that create hazards for humans and wildlife alike and scamming citizens of tax dollars. IT MUST BE STOPPED. 

links from the video include: 




See the full video on our YouTube channel and our Rumble channel here: What's Wrong With A Huge Solar Farm In Enid - ROPE Report Live! (rumble.com)


Oklahoma Senate Must Protect Oklahomans From The WHO Pandemic Treaty - ROPE Report Short

The WHO Pandemic Treaty is not to be taken lightly. As our guests today explain, there are mechanisms in the Treaty to force citizens to comply with whatever rules the WHO feels it necessary to implement with the next pandemic. States must act to protect their citizens against forced compliance with an international treaty created by unelected bureaucrats who should have no control over Oklahoma citizens. 

Please contact your Senator IMMEDIATELY and tell them you expect a YES vote on SB426.

Well-Meaning Republicans Nearly Trampled The Free Speech Of Oklahoma Citizens - ROPE Report Short

SB1100 - a bill meant to help curb bullying after the suicide of Dagney Benedict - would have, instead, significantly curbed the freedom of speech Constitutionally enjoyed by Oklahoma citizens. 

As it is said, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" and we MUST stop our elected representatives from creating law from intentions, feelings, or pressure from special interest groups. The only 'intention' of law created in Oklahoma must be that to protect the individual rights of its citizens.

Installing Chaplains In OK Public Schools Will Create Unexpected Repercussions

SB36 - a bill once about Freedom of Information Requests on certain law enforcement recordings and now about introducing Christian chaplains into public schools - has been approved by the House. 

At the same time, the Satanic Temple has said that if the bill is signed into law in Oklahoma, they will ALSO seek to install their own 'chaplains' in public schools. 

Continuing to blur the line between church and state will eventually result in the state possessing full control of churches. If that seems unrealistic, think on the number of churches that closed during COVID because the state said to and those in other countries without separation of church and state, which were forced to close down by the state during the 'pandemic'.