February 2025, ROPE became The ROPE Report - after our weekly Wednesday and Friday morning (9am) podcast begun in 2022. Instead of following only education - as we have since 2008 - we will research and write about any issue that poses a threat to our individual liberties as Oklahomans. We will no longer post to this blogspot, but will keep it active as a reference library for anyone interested. Please find The Rope Report on Facebook, X, LinkdIn, Telegram, Instagram, TikTok and at rope2.org.
Schools Know About Trans Teachers - Why Not Parents?
In Oklahoma, Both Legislators AND Citizens Can File To Stop Property Taxes
Jay Steagall Files Bill To Eliminate Income Tax
The Good 'Ole Boy Society Is Strong In The OTA
Edmond Public Schools Coerced Parents Into VaXinating Their Kids
Was Muzafer Sherif's 1950's Robber's Cave Experiment An MK Ultra Project?
Bad Psychologists," Conservatives don't deserve psychological help"
Wind Turbines And Conservation Easements - Tax Scam Upon Tax Scam
Wind Turbines Ruin Quiet County Thanks To Absentee Land Owners
Wind Subsidies Are Destroying The Natural Gas Market In Oklahoma
Oklahoma Is Getting Used By Wind Generation Companies And We're Letting Them
Trump's Pick For Commerce Secretary - Howard Lutnick - Michael's Not Happy
Carbon Capture Scam Explained
Republicans Are Pushing The Green Agenda In Oklahoma
Oklahoma Is In Trouble When It Comes To Sex Abuse Of Students In Public Schools
Shawnee Public Schools Has Not Protected Students From Sexual Abuse
What's The Problem With The Current Oklahoma Tax Credit For Homeschoolers?
Why Is Homeschooling Important?
Oklahoma DHS and The Oklahoma Swamp - JJ Humphrey
OK DHS Is Harming Kids But No One Will Investigate - OK Rep. JJ Humphrey
Election Irregularities Noted In Oklahoma SD15 Primary - Robert Keyes
OK State Election Board Policies Incompatible With OK Law; Robert Keyes
What To Do If You Have A Problem At The Polls This 2024 Election
Sample Ballots Can Be A Great Help At Your Polling Place
How You Know For A Fact - Carbon Sequestration Is A Scam
Enid Residents Sue City Council For Not Doing Their Jobs
The Governor Cares More About Being 'Open For Business' Than Protecting Protecting The Rights Of Citizens
What Is Managed Care? Who Is Sooner Select Supposed To Be Helping?
What Happens When We Give Non-Citizens, Citizenship Rights?
How Is It Public Safety To Give People Who Can't Read In Their Own Language A License To Drive?
How To Stop Child Predators In Public Schools Like Wetumka - ROPE Report Short
Casey Yochum - Sexual Abuse And Wetumka Public Schools; ROPE Report Short
Duplicate Voter Found On Comanche County Voter Rolls After Primary Election Audit
Is Everyone Listed On The Oklahoma Voter Rolls A Qualified Elector
What Happens When ALPRs Are Used Unlawfully By Law Enforcement In Oklahoma?
Why Does Oklahoma Have Compulsory Insurance Laws?
What Happened To Guymon After Economic Development Deals With Seaboard Farms and WalMart?
The Grift Of Economic Development Explained - Julianne Romanello; ROPE Report SHORT
The Grift Of Economic Development; Making small towns corporate towns - Julianne Romanello
In this clip from our podcast of 8/14/24, Julianne talks about the real 'end game' for the grift of economic development. Does it really help create jobs? Yes, while it's simultaneously degenerating everything about the small town it claimed it would 'help'.
Insurance Isn't For Maintenance - Kayla Blount; ROPE Report Short
In case you missed it live, you can find the full podcast here on Rumble and on YouTube.
Probably one of the best conversations we had about this topic didn’t actually make it into the podcast! After we had finished, Kayla and I started talking more about the rising rates and how people could help themselves lower their home owners insurance costs. She said something I thought was SO IMPORTANT, I asked her to have the conversation again so I could record it.
Listen to what Kayla is saying in this clip – it truly is important…
Sadly, I think people today have gotten out of the habit of saving for emergencies. I think they’ve even gotten out of the habit of thinking they should bear the responsibility of paying anything out of pocket that they have insured.
I’m old enough to remember car insurance in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Back then, my car insurance only paid for some really major repair – basically, to own a car, you had to put some ‘skin in the game’ – you had to be able to pay for some repairs in cash, not through insurance. That was for a major wreck, not a fenderbender.
In fact, I think that the philosophy of, “I pay for insurance, I don’t need to pay for anything else” is super bad and here’s why. The more you expect a company of some kind to protect your investment, the more power you turn over to that company to regulate what you insure. Think on that and the insurance policies you pay for. Your insurance policies can be upwards of 20 pages; here’s what we’ll pay for and here’s what we won’t and if you want this coverage you have to do this…
Now, what happens when you have a water leak and you don’t want to pay the 3500 dollars it’s going to take to completely remediate the damage, so you file a claim on your insurance. Your insurance carrier will come along the next year and charge you more on your policy and increase your deductible because they had to shell out money to fix a relatively minor issue.
The MORE we use insurance, the MORE we’ll pay for insurance. It just is the way it works.
People have got to get to the point where we’re willing to have responsibility for the things we have and expect insurance to pay for CATASTROPHIC damages, not ‘fenderbenders’ because we are either too lazy or too unwilling to save for a ‘rainy day’.
Yes, the economy is HORRID. Yes inflation is UNBELIEVABLE. Still and all, we can’t give up our responsibility for the things we own to only insurance. We need to get back into the habit of building up an EMERGENCY FUND – even if its only 10 bucks a month. That is really the best way to save money on insuring the things we own.
To Regulate Insurance Rates Or Not - Kayla Blount; ROPE Report Short
In case you missed it live, you can find the full podcast here on Rumble and on YouTube.
Suffice it to say, insurance rates are high in Oklahoma because of our weather – and COVID. During COVID many insurers brought their prices down, only to have catastrophic weather conditions arise and cost them more than what they were earning in premiums. This – plus our awesome Biden-induced inflation – created a real perfect storm for people who had suffered a storm only to have to pay higher prices for the wood and shingles (etc) to fix their roofs and/or dwellings.
In the clip above, Kayla addresses this situation and suggests that, while Oklahoma may – at some point – have to look at some kind of legislation to keep rates from continuing to rise unabated – legislative intervention in the insurance market can become a real double-edged sword.
To Protect Oklahoma Kids Statute Of Limitation Laws Must Be Changed - V1SUT Vantage; ROPE Report Live
Your Sexuality Makes You Immune From The Vetting Process - V1SUT; ROPE Report Live
Our July 17th visit with V1SUT, brought to the forefront - yet again - how adults who sexually abuse children seem to somehow get lost in the system. It's bad enough when heterosexuals assault children (see V1SUT Vantage's series on Bad Coaching, describing coaches who preyed upon their young female players), but when members of the "LGBT" community are involved, it seems as though they are untouchable.
Here, Mary tells us about a situation in Bartlesville where a same sex female couple was allowed to foster a child. The child's arm was later broken, but no investigation occurred before the couple was given another child to foster, who died while in their care at 2 months of age.
Parents should be aware of not only what is going on in their schools, but what is going on in their communities as well. Better yet, their children should remain home with them to ensure their safety.
Trans.Oklahoma Documentary Documents Spiritual Battle; ROPE Report SHORT
Keep Your Bigotry Out Of Our Cinemas; Trans.Oklahoma Premiere Forcibly Canceled; ROPE Report SHORT
City Councils Can't Obstruct The Public View Of Tax Dollars; Wendi Dial - ROPE Report Short
True School Choice Is Eliminating Property Taxes - Sherrie Conley
In this ROPE Report Short, our guest for Wednesday, June 26th, Oklahoma Representative Sherrie Conley and Jenni White talk about what really makes "school choice". Is it the government giving people taxpayer dollars to privately school their kids (vouchers), or is it the government allowing taxpayers to have our property without property taxes (Ad Valorem) so that taxpayers could help pay to educate their own children? This led to a bit more discussion on taxation...
Schools End-Around Mandatory Reporting Laws - V1SUT Vantage, Ashley Rolen
Change MUST Happen To Protect Public School Students - Ashley Rolen; ROPE Report Live
Ashley Rolen submitted statements to the Little Axe school district in 2002 describing the sexual abuse that had been perpetrated on her by several coaches employed by the district.
Nothing was done. Ashley moved on with her life.
But as Ashley tells us in the full podcast (YouTube and Rumble), the day she heard about Olympic physician, Larry Nassar, and the stories of the brave gymnasts who came forward and told of their sexual abuse while under his care, she knew she had to make it right - for the other girls to whom this had happened and ones to whom it might be happening now.
Ashley filed a complaint with the Oklahoma State Department of Education under Joy Hoffmeister. She was told that they had no investigators for her case and that she'd have to do her own investigation - which she did - and returned it to the OSDE under Ryan Walters. Still, nothing has been done.
In this video, Ashley talks about what needs to happen for these reports to be taken seriously by school administration and the OSDE.
Find more on Ashley's story at V1SUT Vantage in her series on Harmful Coaching.
Observations Of Poor Voter Rolls In Oklahoma County - ROPE Report Short
From my time on the Oklahoma County Election Board (OCEB), I can tell you that there would be no way for ballot counters to have any idea if the person voting absentee lived at the address listed on the envelope – absentee ballots are notarized to signify that the voter is who he/she says they are – but it doesn’t take a genius to understand that anyone can apply to be a notary.
At the OCEB in 2023 when I was a Board member, the way absentee ballots were processed, we never even knew if there were notaries notarizing more than the lawful maximum of 20. The ballots were never laid out in piles per notary, they were simply checked to make sure all lawful information was present on the envelope and removed to another room for removal of the envelope.
Many of the elections in Edmond (Ronda Peterson, Michael Grande, Margaret Best – to name a few) that I’ve followed have had Republican candidates win at the ballot box, but then lose the race by a few absentee ballots. It certainly seems plausible and one reason Oklahoma needs to clean up our voter rolls.
Some of the things I would change are things we didn’t get into. I’d get rid of partisan registration (and so also straight party voting) and in fact I’d favor doing away with partisan primaries altogether. But that’s probably a different show that could also talk about open primaries, Top-Two jungle primaries, ranked-choice voting, election calendar reform, and that kind of stuff.To be specific to the voter roll, I think it’d be really easy to add a question of “has your address changed?’ when voters sign the book at the polling place on Election Day and get that new address. I’d also like to see an interstate voter roll integrity organization, but I’d like it to be limited to providing information for states to use as they see fit rather than dictating either to include or exclude voters. But a major point that Wendi and I alluded to but didn’t really state straight out is that the voter rolls are always going to be heavily dependent upon the actions of individual voters. All the laws in the world only work as well as people choosing to comply and if things are made too cumbersome it fuels the argument for a more wide-open system which is something I’m sure many people don’t want.
Wendi also sent me a follow-up with her ideas:
- SHOW PHOTO ID when reregistering.
- Reregister over 2 years and then archive the old rolls.
- Issue the State Election Board funds to advertise the reregistration, including mailers, commercials on local tv and radio networks.
- Allow provisional ballots at the polls for the first presidential election after the reregistration deadline for those who still wish to vote but missed the above advertising.
- Have special nursing home teams to get out and reregister the elderly and infirmed.
Election laws should be changed so that registered voters & candidates – through canvassing – can report voters not living at the address for which they are registered.The State Election Board should then go through the appropriate steps to verify the findings and remove the voter from the rolls once verified.The voter rolls need to be cleaned more often, and the State Election Board needs to look at the rolls and go through the proper process to get correct lawfully physical addresses for voters on the rolls and remove any addresses violating O.S.26