
The Grift Of Economic Development Explained - Julianne Romanello; ROPE Report SHORT

In this short video - edited from our full live video found here on our YouTube channel under 'live videos', or on our Rumble channel - Julianne talks with Michael Grande and Jenni White about how the grift of Economic Development actually works. 

In order to make a small town more worldly and willing to buy into the globalist ideals, an idea will be pitched that will be something that can change the ideas and mindset of town residents. For example; a town - like Chickasha, Oklahoma - which had a yearly Christmas display of lights that attracted people from many areas, the focus will change to a 'leg lamp' which is brought in to attract more people. 

The 'leg lamp' is the lamp from A Christmas Story. It's a many feet tall replica of the plastic, fish-net stocking covered leg with a lampshade that looks like a skirt. So, instead of having a Christ-centered display of lights acknowledging Christmas, the focus shifts to a lamp that makes people think of a racy woman like a prostitute or a call girl. 

Once the focus of values is changed and the town starts trying to meet the needs of outsiders, the focus of the businesses in the town start changing toward whatever is going to bring in visitors - like adopting 'green' standards to make sure 'big city' people will want to come. 

Once the town changes to a more green-centered, or outward-facing model, the entire mode of the town shifts to something else entirely - not focusing on residents and their needs anymore.

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