
To Regulate Insurance Rates Or Not - Kayla Blount; ROPE Report Short

In case you missed it live, you can find the full podcast here on Rumble and on YouTube.

Suffice it to say, insurance rates are high in Oklahoma because of our weather – and COVID. During COVID many insurers brought their prices down, only to have catastrophic weather conditions arise and cost them more than what they were earning in premiums. This – plus our awesome Biden-induced inflation – created a real perfect storm for people who had suffered a storm only to have to pay higher prices for the wood and shingles (etc) to fix their roofs and/or dwellings.

In the clip above, Kayla addresses this situation and suggests that, while Oklahoma may – at some point – have to look at some kind of legislation to keep rates from continuing to rise unabated – legislative intervention in the insurance market can become a real double-edged sword.

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