
Your Sexuality Makes You Immune From The Vetting Process - V1SUT; ROPE Report Live

Our July 17th visit with V1SUT, brought to the forefront - yet again - how adults who sexually abuse children seem to somehow get lost in the system. It's bad enough when heterosexuals assault children (see V1SUT Vantage's series on Bad Coaching, describing coaches who preyed upon their young female players), but when members of the "LGBT" community are involved, it seems as though they are untouchable.

Here, Mary tells us about a situation in Bartlesville where a same sex female couple was allowed to foster a child. The child's arm was later broken, but no investigation occurred before the couple was given another child to foster, who died while in their care at 2 months of age.

Parents should be aware of not only what is going on in their schools, but what is going on in their communities as well. Better yet, their children should remain home with them to ensure their safety.

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