
To Regulate Insurance Rates Or Not - Kayla Blount; ROPE Report Short

In case you missed it live, you can find the full podcast here on Rumble and on YouTube.

Suffice it to say, insurance rates are high in Oklahoma because of our weather – and COVID. During COVID many insurers brought their prices down, only to have catastrophic weather conditions arise and cost them more than what they were earning in premiums. This – plus our awesome Biden-induced inflation – created a real perfect storm for people who had suffered a storm only to have to pay higher prices for the wood and shingles (etc) to fix their roofs and/or dwellings.

In the clip above, Kayla addresses this situation and suggests that, while Oklahoma may – at some point – have to look at some kind of legislation to keep rates from continuing to rise unabated – legislative intervention in the insurance market can become a real double-edged sword.


To Protect Oklahoma Kids Statute Of Limitation Laws Must Be Changed - V1SUT Vantage; ROPE Report Live

During our regular third Wednesday podcast with our friend and V1SUT Vantage blogger, 'Mary', we talked about how Oklahoma can't protect its students until we change the Statute of Limitations on sex crimes. Watch the short video to see how and why these need to be changed to protect Oklahoma kids.


Your Sexuality Makes You Immune From The Vetting Process - V1SUT; ROPE Report Live

Our July 17th visit with V1SUT, brought to the forefront - yet again - how adults who sexually abuse children seem to somehow get lost in the system. It's bad enough when heterosexuals assault children (see V1SUT Vantage's series on Bad Coaching, describing coaches who preyed upon their young female players), but when members of the "LGBT" community are involved, it seems as though they are untouchable.

Here, Mary tells us about a situation in Bartlesville where a same sex female couple was allowed to foster a child. The child's arm was later broken, but no investigation occurred before the couple was given another child to foster, who died while in their care at 2 months of age.

Parents should be aware of not only what is going on in their schools, but what is going on in their communities as well. Better yet, their children should remain home with them to ensure their safety.


Trans.Oklahoma Documentary Documents Spiritual Battle; ROPE Report SHORT

After their success with their first, award-winning, documentary, "Saving Clayton", Kevin and Janelle Batts set out to document the life of several people detransitioning from sexual reassignment surgery here in Oklahoma. 

The stories they found were achingly sad, but all of them had an element of spirituality that, in the end, was extremely positive and hopeful. 

Kevin, Janelle, Jenni and Michael all talk about this aspect of the documentary Trans.Oklahoma, premiering digitally on July 17th at their website, Trans.Oklahoma.com.

Keep Your Bigotry Out Of Our Cinemas; Trans.Oklahoma Premiere Forcibly Canceled; ROPE Report SHORT

When Kevin and Janelle Batts - who own and operate Red River Creative Media - set out to document the stories of detransitioners in Oklahoma, they knew it wouldn't be an easy task. 

The stories they heard from the detransitioners, though hopeful in the end, were only so after years and years of turmoil and struggle and the LGBTQ crowd traditionally calls anyone who leaves the community, or says anything negative about the community, hateful and/or bigoted. 

Unfortunately, just two days before the premier of the movie at Rodeo Cinemas in Oklahoma City, the theater canceled the screening due to 'pushback' from various quadrants. 

The Batts had asked Rodeo personnel if they would like to screen the film - Janelle even warned them that the film might be controversial - but the theater promised them they didn't need to see the documentary and that everything would be fine. 

Two days later, the movie was out of a premier home. Watch as Janelle describes exactly what happened that led to the ousting of a private, paid screening of Trans.Oklahoma from an Oklahoma City theater.


City Councils Can't Obstruct The Public View Of Tax Dollars; Wendi Dial - ROPE Report Short

Wednesday, July 3rd, Michael and Jenni had their favorite geologist/election integrity supporter, Wendi Montgomery Dial, on to talk about an organization called Westwin Elements attempting to build a plant in Lawton, Oklahoma that would refine nickel and cobalt. We've received reports about the organization and its presence in Lawton from several viewers. Indeed, there are many questions surrounding the company and its proposed function.

Westwin Elements is a new, private organization entering Lawton. It claims to be a metal refinery for cobalt and nickel. 

The City of Lawton has given this private organization - according to one publication - $24 million dollars in taxpayer dollars, though Westwin's website says $3.

Citizens have asked for information regarding the deal and some have reported that the Lawton City Council has not been as forthcoming as they would like with millions of taxpayer dollars in the mix. 

Wendi points out in this video that City Council members take an oath to the Constitution which, before anything, protects the citizens, not private organizations.