
Schools Know About Trans Teachers - Why Not Parents?

"Mary" at V1SUT Vantage talks to us about a woman who biologically transitioned to a man and is teaching at Western Heights Public Schools - where trans activist and drag queen Shawn Murnan (the Drag Queen Principal) and a Chinese immigrant who was caught soliciting 15-year-old boys - used to work. Administration must have known about this teacher, why were parents not told? Is it right for parents not to know this information? Shouldn't ALL tax payers be concerned about the people working with Oklahoma's children? Why is it so hard to find out this kind of information?
Mary also spoke with us about a teacher who had been born a female, but medically transitioned to a male. was a teacher at Western Heights Public Schools in Oklahoma. Because records are held independently - one record for the female name, one record for the male name - it was very hard to find a connecting paper trail to connect the female to the teacher in the classroom who presented as a male to the class, parents and administration. Don't parents have a right to know if their child's teacher is not presenting as their birth sex? What about another male using the bathroom with a woman presenting as a man? What about male students in the bathroom with this teacher presenting as a male, but who is biologically female? ANY public school should be transparent about who is working with the children attending that school, yet they are not.

In the end, Mary reached out to Ryan Walters and other Oklahoma public education officials - including the teacher herself - to ask how this situation of a trans teacher would be addressed under current law.
She received absolutely no comment back from anyone to whom she reached out. Whether people want to talk about this situation or not, parents have the right to know if a person teaching their child is not presenting as their biological sex. Why is this being dealt with silently? How can parents find out whether their child's teacher is not what they portray publicly?

All these questions need answers...

Find the V1SUT Vantage substack here and the full LIVE video on YouTube and Rumble.

In Oklahoma, Both Legislators AND Citizens Can File To Stop Property Taxes

In our LIVE podcast with Oklahoma Representative Jay Steagall, Michael and Jenni talked about how to remove the scourge of liberty that is property taxes. (YouTube, Rumble) Truly, if your home can be taken from you by the government for non-payment of taxes, the Founders of this country may well have not created a Constitution at all. Our entire system of government is predicated on individual liberty and there is no liberty if a citizen is simply renting his property from the government and cannot own the results of his own industry. In this clip, Jay tells us that both lawmakers and citizens can work to place a question on the ballot that would remove the allowance for collection of property taxes from the Oklahoma Constitution. As was discussed throughout the LIVE video (found under the LIVE tab on this channel) was the fact that, a use tax is a far better tax than the UNCONSTITUTIONAL collection of EITHER property taxes or income taxes and both of these must be removed from Oklahoma citizens as the burden to individual liberty that they are.

Jay Steagall Files Bill To Eliminate Income Tax

This short is from our LIVE podcast with Jay on Wednesday, 12.11.24 called, "Let's Talk About Property Taxes" which can be found under the "Live" tab on our channel. (Live links at YouTube and Rumble) This is the copy from the House Media Office regarding his bill: Steagall Files Bill to Eliminate Income Tax by 2035 OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Jay Steagall, R-Yukon, today filed legislation to phase out Oklahoma's personal and corporate income taxes over a decade, with the goal of eliminating the tax entirely by 2035. House Bill 1009 would reduce the personal income tax rate by 0.00475% annually and the corporate income tax rate by 0.004% annually over 10 years. Steagall had filed a nearly identical bill, House Bill 3058, for consideration during the 2024 legislative session. "Recent polls show that Oklahomans overwhelmingly support the elimination of the state income tax, an effort for which I have filed legislation in the past two years and filing once again for the 60th Legislature," Steagall said. "The state income tax is a clear violation of our own state constitution and I will continue to pursue righting this wrong in the upcoming session." Steagall pointed to Article 2, Section 2 of the Oklahoma Constitution, which declares "all persons have the inherent right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry." He said income taxes go against the foundation of the state constitution and encroach on Oklahomans' liberties. The state income tax was created statutorily in 1915. Stegall noted that the gradual reduction over a decade would give the Legislature ample opportunity to act on tax reform, a move he said was "much-needed."


The Good 'Ole Boy Society Is Strong In The OTA

Friday, December 6th, Oklahoma attorney Richard Labarthe was with Michael and Jenni to talk about the case he fought against Edmond Public Schools for discriminating between vaXinated and unvaXinated students. He also talked about his work with Oklahomans for Responsible Transportation and a bond hearing by the Oklahoma Council of Bond Oversight on December 5th where members approved millions more in bonds for OTA though, Richard argued, the process wasn't following Oklahoma law. See the full LIVE video on our Rumble and YouTube channels.

Edmond Public Schools Coerced Parents Into VaXinating Their Kids

Friday, December 6th, Oklahoma attorney Richard Labarthe was with Michael and Jenni to talk about the case he fought against Edmond Public Schools for discriminating between vaXinated and unvaXinated students. He also talked about his work with Oklahomans for Responsible Transportation and a bond hearing by the Oklahoma Council of Bond Oversight on December 5th where members approved millions more in bonds for OTA though, Richard argued, the process wasn't following Oklahoma law. See the full LIVE video on our Rumble and YouTube channels.


Was Muzafer Sherif's 1950's Robber's Cave Experiment An MK Ultra Project?

Dr. Robert Mather Ph.D, the Conservative Social Psychologist, joined Michael on the show Wednesday, December 4th. One of the topics they discussed was whether or not an experiment conducted by Muzafer Sherif in the 1950's on Oklahoma 11-year-olds at Robbers Cave State Park was actually an MK Ultra Project. Here is more information on the original study: https://www.simplypsychology.org/robbers-cave.html Watch this short from the podcast and see what you think...

Bad Psychologists," Conservatives don't deserve psychological help"

On the podcast Wednesday, December 4th, Robert Mather PhD, the Conservative Social Psychologist, visited with Michael about what happened to him when he was asked to present some of his research at the University of Oregon this year. Despite enjoying his speaking time at the conference in 2021, this year's experience turned out a bit differently. Here, Dr. Mather tells us exactly what happened - and it wasn't pretty.