
Is Your Private School Now A 'Non-Public' School? Sarah DeNeui - ROPE Report Short

Wednesday, June 5th, Broken Arrow resident and homeschooling mom, Sarah DeNeui, spoke with Michael and Jenni about the new "Office Of School Choice" that's been advertised in a press release by State Superintendent Ryan Walters. This is a sticky wicket. 

Mr. Walters worked for a privately-funded organization that championed school choice options. Why increase the size of government by taking over the job of a non-profit? Why can't that non-profit continue to do that job? 

That's one question. The next question came after Mrs. DeNeui spoke with her contact in Walter's office regarding the concerns she had about this office. The response she received, mentioned a new word - "non-public" education. 

Really, there are only two forms of education - private (paid for privately by parents) and public (any school that receives an appropriation from the state for education) - so where does "non-public" come in. We ask - and answer - that question in this video clip from the live video which can be found under the heading of "live" videos on our YouTube channel or on our Rumble channel.

You'll want to watch this video whether or not you have your child/children in private schools - especially if you're concerned about government overreach and federal intervention in local education.

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