
School Counselors Now Pushing CDC-Linked Gender Group To Public School Kids in Elk City

I was sent this screenshot from a fellow conservative activist who received it from a friend whose child is enrolled in Elk City Public Schools.

Beyond being COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE on its face, moreover, its' hopefully a wake-up call FOR PARENTS about how many ways schools are contacting your children without YOU as the parent knowing about it.

First, let's tackle the Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA). 

The following can be found on their "Mission" page:

Our overall strategy for fighting for educational justice is to work with grassroots, youth-led groups and GSAs, empowering them to educate their schools and communities, advocate for just policies that protect LGBTQ youth from harassment and violence, and organize in coalition with other youth groups across identity lines to address broader issues of oppression.

All of our work with students focuses on leadership development and activism that prioritizes building alliances not only across sexual orientation and gender identity lines, but also across race, ethnicity, and class lines, and our resources and trainings are designed to facilitate coalition building.

They also take an active role in "training youth leaders", which includes recruitment for clubs. This page has numerous videos available prepared to do just that.  GSA also has significant resources for use inside and outside of public schools, which include curricula and 'took kits'. This page is devoted to Civic Engagement and includes ideas such as:
Engaging in collective practices with a group is shown to increase resilience! This can be as simple as working on art or creative projects together, making music, dancing, or singing together, or trying out collective breathing or meditation. Our Virtual GSAs Resource Page and Queer and Trans Wellness Resource Page has many different activities you can try out!
What's Wrong Here

1.  This survey came as a Google Document, apparently via email:  Google Documents are easily hacked so, despite what the email says, personal information can be collected and shared.  Unfortunately, just because something says one thing, that doesn't mean it's done the way it was promised.

2.  The survey was given to Elk City high school students by a counselor, bypassing parents.  In many blogs, I've called attention to the American School Counselor Association and its link to SEL, which very much plays into the idea that equity includes LGBTQ students. From CASEL (Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning).
We imagine communities in which all young people—across race, ethnicity, family income levels, learning abilities, home language, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other factors—have the skills, relationships, and environments to thrive.

3.  Schools and teachers can contact students many different ways without parents seeing that information and that is according to state law, parents have the right to see anything the school provides their children - as it should be.  There are texting apps and email apps and all kinds of apps schools use to communicate with children.  Parents, you need to know what these are and have a copy of any correspondence with your child and the school/teacher cc'd to you.

4.  Schools have several pipelines through which LGBTQ resources are perpetuated inside the district and the classroom even beyond the School Counselor: A. The CDC offers a great deal of information regarding LGBTQ youth the use of which schools justify because it's CDC-provided.  B.  "Safe and Supportive Schools" - a concept developed at the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. to stop bullying, also provides resources and information to schools - perpetuating the LBGTQ lifestyle.  The CDC actively promotes the GSA as a resource for 'advancing safe schools'.

5.  The GSA isn't the only LGBTQ resource to 'recruit' students and incite activation in LGBTQ issues.  GLSEN is another organization that has made its way onto school campuses.  Over a decade ago now, ROPE found something called "The Day of Silence" in which students pledged to spend the day in silence in solidarity to LGBTQ issues and - before they stopped publishing the list of schools participating - we found many Oklahoma schools were taking part.

GLSEN is an excellent example of how something is made to look 'supportive' of students, but has a backstory full of sexually disgusting depravity.  The founder of GLSEN is Ken Jennings - Obama's Safe School Czar.  The link over his name will take you to a Mass Resistance page which has documented information about this man, including The Fistgate Conference attended by students as young as 12.

6.  Much has come to light following the Louden County VA rape case in which a 'transgendered' boy raped a girl in the girl's bathroom and the Superintendent covered it up.  Continuing to allow LGBT activism can - and will - only result in further such cases - especially when many schools simply refuse to discipline students anymore

7.  Anti transgender activist Walt Heyer, has made a career of warning parents about the evils of transgenderism since receiving treatment as a transgendered woman that allowed him to return to life as a man.  In a Federalist article from this year, Heyer warns parents about the 5 steps used by transgender activists to GROOM children about which he says:
Children are attracted (and groomed) through the influence of their peers, social media, and teachers.

It’s easy to see why a child who hits a rough period emotionally, or feels socially awkward or isolated, would be drawn to identifying as transgender as a means to acceptance and attention.
These school clubs allow LGBTQ ideology to create an 'affirming' space where children who need affirmation or want attention, find a place they are welcomed.  In fact, one mother of two transgender children explains it this way:
You get love-bombed online, you get love-bombed on at school, your social status goes up by at least 10 ranks. As soon as you say you’re trans, you turn into a star. And kids are thirsty for that kind of affirmation.
PARENTS: THIS HAS TO STOP, but the only way to stop it is to know exactly what's going on with your child at every point possible.  Here are some ideas for ways to help you correct this issue in your school.

1:  Find a group of parents who are interested in the issue and are willing to come together to remove LGBTQ clubs and resources from your school.  Working as a united front will help your school administration see you as a force with which to be reckoned.

2:  Confront your school board and continue to confront your school board about the issue until they act.  If you are able to create a group, make sure that each of your members says something about the issue at each board meeting.  Eventually the Board will tire of hearing about it if they are not sensitive to your initial concerns.

3:  Create a social media account and post articles about the fallout the LGBTQ lifestyle causes in children.  Post videos from GSA and GLESN that show how they organize and activate students to  to get attention from parents.

4.  Write opinion pieces in the local paper (if they'll take them) drawing attention to the issue as a way to create awareness in the community about what is going on in the schools their taxes support.  Remember - angry taxpayers can be great allies!

5.  DON'T GET FRUSTRATED AND QUIT!  I often tell exasperated parents who have tried for an entire school year to make something happen that wouldn't, that it took us four solid years of work here in Oklahoma to repeal Common Core from state law.  Taking back school districts that have been allowed to flourish into parent-destroying, authoritarian-loving black holes on their own with minimal parent participation aren't going to turn around in 15 minutes.  But that's okay.  The victory will be even sweeter once it comes!

Jenni White

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