
The Most Important 7 Minute Video You'll EVER See About Property Taxes


From our conversation with former McClain County Assessor, now newly-elected state Senator, Kendal Sacchieri on January 15th.

See the blog on our website for more information, but this video has to be the most important video you could ever see on property taxes and if it doesn't make you really mad, you might be a communist...LOL - no, but really!

See the full video on our YouTube and Rumble channels.


Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment Becomes The ROPE Report

- note: This blog will remain our repository for all our work prior to 2015, so the name will remain Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment. You can find ROPE Report website and www.rope2.org

Back in 2008, as President Obama took his seat in history, several of us realized that something was not right with the world. We created an organization called, the OKC912Project and were deep into learning the way the legislation and elections worked, when we also realized that there was something rotten in Oklahoma’s public education system.

I had four of my five kids in Quail Creek Elementary – in fact, we’d sold our modest home in The Village (an older neighborhood in Oklahoma City) to move to Quail Creek just so my kids could go to the WONDERFUL school where I’d learned as a child.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as I’d planned. There, my kids were taught Global Warming as fact, they weren’t actually educated much, and one was mercilessly bullied by his teacher and fellow students.

By the time 2nd grade ended for my oldest child, he was moved to homeschool. The rest were moved home the next year and, as parents, we never looked back.
In 2010, a friend from OKC912Project and I started a group called Restore Oklahoma Public Education (ROPE). We naively believed that if we shone light on the antics of public school, we could ‘restore’ it to the way it was before political correctness (DEI/SEL) and propagandist teaching standards.

One of our first jobs was removing Common Core State Standards from law. It took four years of lobbying a Republican legislature to scrap just one of Obama’s federal education initiatives (Governor Mary Fallin and State Superintendent Janet Barresi brought in every single one of them). Though it was successfully repealed from Oklahoma law, we learned the hard way that the repeal was meaningless in practice and schools carried on as they had been before.

Frustrated and realizing we were going to have to go at public school reform in a different way, we renamed ourselves Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment in 2015, making use of our previous initials and agreeing to focus more on educating parents about Oklahoma’s public education system and how to make changes at the local level.

Sadly, we were never able to gain a lot of traction with parents. No matter how many places we spoke, no matter how many times we explained the importance of the local school board, there seemed to be little effect.

In April of 2023, new Board Member Michael Grande, Board Member Julia Seay and I, started what Julia dubbed, “The ROPE Report” – a podcast. Something we’d never tried before, but seemed to be something God was calling us to do, when I got the impression several times over the week of Christmas in 2022, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”.

I had always been the primary writer and researcher, but that was our focus – the written word. With the world turning to the point that few people even read for longer than five minutes at a time, but would watch endless hours of TikTok videos, it seemed the next logical step. We kept the name Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment, but moved to a two-day-a-week podcast on Wednesdays and Fridays – The ROPE Report.

This change ushered in a different way of doing things altogether. Instead of really focusing on researching and writing, we were bringing in people who had important information about important topics affecting our state. We’d interview them for as little as an hour or as much as two. It was – and still is – very organic, not driven by time, but by what’s being said – how we can help viewers gain knowledge to make changes to increase our individual liberty here in the state.

After nearly two years now, the focus of ROPE is no longer parents, or education, but ALL things Oklahoma, from climate change to legislation, we try to find interviews with interesting people to educate viewers. Consequently, it just made sense to change our name to the ROPE Report.

Today, you’ll see our new logo on our social media pages and website, but we’ll still be the same group we’ve strived to be from the beginning – a source of news and information you can turn to that will report the truth the best we can about the things that affect you in your own back yard, right here in Oklahoma.

We’re glad you’ve been with us for the ride, but STAY TUNED, there’s lots more to come.


Green Energy ISN'T Based On Free Market Capitalism - It's CRONY Capitalism

Friday, January 10th, Peter Murphy from CFACT.org talked with ROPE Report about the climate scam. One of the worst things to take government by storm, is this idea that stopping the green agenda impedes free market capitalism. Unfortunately, so many - including legislators - don't know the difference between Free Market and Crony Capitalism. Here, Peter makes it VERY clear.

Here, Peter explains that the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) was just a present to his cronies - a kind of 'climate gravy train' for them to find ways to collect federal subsidies.

Find the full video on YouTube or Rumble.


Parents: Blurry Boundaries Hurt Kids

Our guest on Wednesday, January 8th, was Kendra Wesson, Oklahoma State School Board member. Today, we talked about a whole LOT of things, but the one thing we talked about that is the most important to parents was this conversation about how allowing kids to have boundaries that blur the line between kid and adult can really cause the kid to get blindsided by things such as sexual molestation by a teacher or coach. Watch this short video and then find the full live video on our Rumble and YouTube channels.


A Visit With The Women of Broken Trust - What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Kids and Your Family

In the video above, Sherrie tells us that because of Oklahoma government and private companies, we've essentially put price tags on the heads of our kids. We're not educating them anymore, we're selling them as commodities to vendors who want to use them to make money.

In the video below, Roberta Lewis tells the story of how her son was essentially kidnapped from her family and put into a state mental health facility because of a SnapChat post. If this doesn't show you how much power our government has - that it shouldn't have - I don't know what will.

To follow up our post, we reiterate the fact that children are not being cared for or taught so much in Oklahoma anymore, unless there is a way to make money from them. This has to stop.

Check out the full LIVE video on Rumble and YouTube. Find Broken Trust at BrokenTrust.website