
Judge Denies Stillwater Public School's Dismissal Request - ROPE/Chaffin Lawsuit Scheduled for Pre-Trial Hearing in November


Stillwater Parent Brice Chaffin, ROPE President Jenni White, Attorney Maria Seidler

In an awesome victory for ROPE's case with Stillwater parent Brice Chaffin against Stillwater Public Schools (SPS) and Stillwater School Board members filed May 4th (2022), Maria Seidler successfully argued against the dismissal of our lawsuit requested of the court by SPS.  ROPE and Chaffin, led by attorney Seidler, will meet SPS again in court in November for a pre-trial hearing.


Part 2: Senator Jake Merrick's Loss Engineered At The Hands of Oklahoma's School Choice (Voucher) Cabal Who Helped Spend $344,471.40 To Elect His Opponent

Screenshot taken from a Common Sense Conservatives, LLC dark money ad.

While every political campaign has numerous points for failure from fundraising to voter contact, a post mortem of Jake Merrick's re-election campaign shows that a combination of dark money and redistricting probably did more than anything to sink the re-election campaign of a fine man and public servant.